Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Homework Assignments for 02/17/09-02/20/09

Tuesday: last day of first practicum placement-check in with teacher for second placement, make sure you are keeping up on journal entries

Wednesday: language arts: NO class today-unless you need help on your biography project (due Feb. 25), management: newsletter FORMAT due and chapters 6-10 readings

Thursday: social studies: bring favorite trade book, send postcards if you haven't already, science: teams 7 & 8 teach?, be working on invention convention (due Feb. 26)

Friday: start second practicum placement


  1. Is anyone else stumped on their favorite trade book?..I don't have a favorite, I don't even remember reading one before this year. =)

  2. I have no idea what book I am going to use either. I think I can find a book but will I know anything about it is another question. I forgot about it until today.
